Vishal Patil and Irma Fubiani, Delegates of the TBS Aerospace MBA FT18 program did attend this event on May 12th, 2017. Here is their report. AF/KLM Fleet As of December…
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Vishal Patil and Irma Fubiani, Delegates of the TBS Aerospace MBA FT18 program did attend this event on May 12th, 2017. Here is their report. AF/KLM Fleet As of December…
As Dr. Christophe Bénaroya took part to the AMBA 50th Anniversary Global Deans and Directors Conference in Dubai, he seized the opportunity to attend the Airport Show that took place…
After the inaugural address of Andrew Main Wilson, CEO of AMBA, the MBA Value Proposition has been discussed. Many conferences and workshops enabled to draw conclusions from this Global MBA…
The inauguration ceremony took place at IIM Bangalore on 9th of May, 2017 in presence of Prof. Agrawal. In his welcome address, Dr. Christophe Bénaroya first warmly congratulate the cohort and gave…
The inauguration ceremony took place at IIM Bangalore on 8th of May, 2017. After the inaugural address by Madan Mohan Raj, Chief Program Officer of IIMB Executive Education Programs, both…
Moving valedictory ceremony #GMAE2 @iimb! Welcome to the second cohort of #Aerospace #MBA India @ToulouseBS!!
On May 8, 2017, the inaugural ceremony of the General Management Programme for Aerospace and Aviation Executives (GMAE – Batch 3), Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. GMAE is a part-time certificate…
Right after the Montreal Session, the Part-Time #11 cohort of the TBS Aerospace MBA program took off to join the Delegates from IIMB-TBS Aerospace MBA Batch 2 in Seattle in…
The Part-Time #11 cohort of the TBS Aerospace MBA program attended two modules in Montréal (QC) in the frame of the curriculum. Lectures (Pierre Coutu, André Marinier…) took place for the…